If you find this site to be of value, you are invited to help us keep it free for all users worldwide by making a donation via PayPal. If you spot a mistake or inconsistency in the music, lyrics,Ĭhord placement, or anything here, please let us know immediately so At his death, William left a fortune in a trust which has been used in many philanthropic causes, including the Doane Memorial Music Building at Moody Bible Institute. Try to proofread every song and play through it repeatedly to make sureĮverything works, but occasionally an error or omission may slip This was the case with Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross. Probably the most requested!), we will be unable to help you, because we If you request something more recent ("How Great Thou Art" is They were copyrighted before 1923, so we don't have to pay royalties to

That all of the hymns on this site are in the public domain. Key and can't transpose it yourself, let us know and we can put it inĪre additional songs that you would like to see here, please contact usĪnd we'll try to get them posted for you. We play them and then use the printed music to develop your ownĪrranged in the basic keys familiar to most guitar players and are Near the cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found me There the bright and morning star Sheds its beams around me. Home About me About the Music Concerts Videos Current Page: Albums Sheet Music Booking Donate Contact Me 0. About the Music Concerts Videos Current Page: Albums Sheet Music Booking Donate Contact Me 0. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross from the album Just Beyond the River. Videos are available for most of these songs. Jesus, keep me near the cross, There a precious fountain Free to all, a healing stream Flows from Calvary’s mountain. No hymn collection would be complete without this classic hymn by Fanny Crosby. She wrote Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross in 1869. Start by marking Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross: Sheet Music for String Quartet as Want to Read. We are adding new material regularly, so check back often to see what is available. Fanny Crosby was one of the most prolific hymnists in history more than 8,000 hymns. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Please let others know about this resource by hitting the Facebook "Like" button in the upper right hand corner of this page.

Print as many as you like for you and your These are providedįree for your personal use. Sheet music (lead sheets) to public domain hymns.